How to Stop Dandruff ASAP – Proven Solutions + Natural Remedies

how to cure dandruff permanently


Waving goodbye to dandruff is achievable – the key is to incorporate some simple tips, natural remedies, and the right product into your hair care routine. 

In this guide, we will share 11 tips and 7 natural remedies for how to stop dandruff. But for persistent dandruff, it is best to consider consulting a dermatologist.

how to stop dandruff

Have you ever noticed a light dusting of white flakes on your shoulders, seemingly out of place? Those flakes are likely dandruff, a common scalp condition that affects nearly half of the population at some point. 

While dandruff can be mistaken for a dry scalp, it's slightly itchier and flakier. Both conditions have different causes: dry scalp is simply a matter of dehydration or lack of moisture, while dandruff can have several triggers, including seborrheic dermatitis and an overactive fungus on the scalp. 

Different causes mean different treatments; hence, the first step is to identify whether it's dandruff or just a dry scalp. 

Let’s start with the symptoms and causes of dandruff and then move on to long-term dandruff control strategies and home remedies. 

Decoding Dandruff

First things first, what is dandruff and how do you know you have it? 

What is Dandruff? 

It's essentially an imbalance in scalp cell turnover. Normally, skin cells shed unnoticed, but with dandruff, these cells clump together, forming those visible white flakes. 

What Causes Dandruff? 

Now, if you are wondering why do I have dandruff in the first place, below are some potential culprits:

  • Fluctuations in hormones, especially during puberty or pregnancy, can trigger dandruff.
  • Feeling overwhelmed? It might show up on your scalp too. Stress can worsen dandruff for some people.
  • While over-washing can strip your scalp of natural oils, infrequent cleansing can allow dead skin cells to build up and contribute to flaking.

Symptoms of Dandruff 

How can you tell if it's dandruff? Keep an eye out for these common symptoms: 

  • Your scalp skin keeps falling on your shoulders. 
  • An itchy and scaly scalp (scratching might feel good momentarily, but it can irritate things further). 
  • Flakes that are larger and greasier than dry scalp. 
  • Some less common symptoms include red patches on the scalp, hair loss, and eyebrow dandruff. 

How to Stop Dandruff?

We have divided the solution to dandruff into two sections: 

  • How to stop dandruff forever with some tiny changes in your daily life. 
  • How to stop dandruff naturally with home remedies. 

So, let’s get started... 

Tiny Changes, Big Impact: Lasting relief for dandruff 

Here are the 11 tips to control dandruff, consider this your go-to checklist. 

  • Switch to an Anti-Dandruff Shampoo

Let's begin by addressing a common dandruff fighter: shampoo. Regular shampoos are good for cleansing, but for tackling dandruff, a specialized approach is often necessary. Anti-dandruff shampoos are formulated with unique ingredients that target the root causes of dandruff, helping you achieve a healthier scalp. 

  • Your hair is already sensitive right now so consider using a herbal shampoo that is much gentler on hair as compared to the chemical ones. 
  • Different shampoos target different types of dandruff, so before hopping to buy any anti-dandruff shampoo, identify what kind of dandruff you are dealing with, Here’s a brief breakdown: 

Dry vs Oily Dandruff

    • Dry Dandruff: If your flakes are smaller, white, and tend to fall freely from your scalp and hair, you might be dealing with dry dandruff. This often comes hand-in-hand with a dry, itchy scalp, thus requiring a specialized anti dandruff shampoo for dry dandruff.
how to get rid of dandruff
    • Oily Dandruff: Oily dandruff is a different breed category of dandruff that requires an oily scalp dandruff shampoo. They tend to be larger, yellowish, and cling stubbornly to your scalp and hair. This type of dandruff often occurs alongside a greasy scalp.
how to remove dandruff
  • Bring Back the Oils

For centuries, natural oils have played a role diamondexch in traditional hair care practices. Some of these oils, when used strategically, can be valuable allies in your fight against dandruff. Here are a few to consider: 

    • Rosemary Oil: This invigorating oil has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties that can help combat dandruff and soothe a dry, itchy scalp. 
    • Tea Tree Oil: Known for its antimicrobial properties, tea tree oil can help keep your scalp clean and healthy, reducing dandruff. 
    • Coconut Oil: This nourishing oil can help moisturize your scalp and reduce flaking associated with dry dandruff. 

Massage your scalp with your choice of oil for at least 5-6 minutes and leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes or overnight for maximum benefits.

Remember that when using essential oils, dilution is essential. These oils are highly concentrated and can irritate your scalp if applied directly.

  • Fuel Your Scalp from the Inside Out with a Balanced Diet 

Dandruff might seem like an external issue, but what you put in your body can significantly impact your scalp health. Hence, improving your diet can be a more permanent solution for dandruff at home. 

    • Essential Fatty Acids: Foods rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, like fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, can help nourish your scalp and promote healthy cell turnover, potentially reducing dandruff. 
    • Hydration Hero: Dehydration can contribute to a dry, itchy scalp and worsen dandruff. Aim for eight glasses of water a day to keep your scalp hydrated and happy. 
    • Say No to Sugar Spikes: Studies suggest a link between high-sugar diets and increased inflammation, which can worsen dandruff. Limiting sugary drinks and processed foods can potentially help manage dandruff. 
    • Power Up with Probiotics: Probiotics, the good bacteria in your gut, might play a role in skin health. Consider incorporating yogurt, kimchi, or other probiotic-rich foods into your diet to see if it makes a difference. 

Remember, a healthy diet is an investment in your overall well-being, and a healthy scalp is just one of the many benefits! 

  • Clean Scalp, Happy Scalp 

Keeping your scalp clean is crucial but overdoing it can backfire. Focus on cleansing your scalp with a gentle shampoo and further follow up with a hair conditioner according to the type of dandruff. 

For a little extra TLC, consider a scalp scrubber that gently removes dead skin cells and product buildup. Dewyhours, a Canada-based skin exfoliation specialist, suggests choosing a scalp scrubber made from soft silicone bristles to avoid irritating your scalp. Also, be gentle and use the scrubber with light pressure and circular motions.

  • De-Stress Yourself 

Chronic stress can contribute to inflammation throughout the body, including the scalp. This inflammation can worsen dandruff symptoms. Relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing can help manage stress and potentially reduce dandruff flare-ups. 

  • Turn Down the Heat 

We all love a good blowout, but the impact of excessive heat styling is no secret to us. Therefore, limit heat styling tools as much as possible, and if required, explore air drying as well as heat-free styling methods. Remember that the key lies in embracing your natural hair! 

However, on days when you just can’t put your curling iron down, make sure you apply a heat protectant spray beforehand to minimize the damage. 

  • Breathe Easy, Scalp 

Tight hairstyles like braids, ponytails, and buns can put a strain on your scalp and restrict blood flow. Opt for looser hairstyles whenever possible. Also, switch up your hairstyles regularly to avoid putting stress on the same areas of your scalp all the time.

how to cure dandruff
  • Follow a Proper Hair Care Regime 

As we've discussed, maintaining a good hair care routine is crucial for achieving a healthy scalp. A targeted approach that addresses your specific needs can be more beneficial than a complicated ten-step process. Just incorporating a few key products, you can create a personalized at-home dandruff treatment. This may include: 

  • Scalp Lotion 

RAUSCH Anti-Dandruff Scalp Lotion with Coltsfoot is a lightweight formula that can deliver a concentrated dose of dandruff-fighting ingredients directly to the scalp, where they can work their magic. Simply apply the product evenly to the dry scalp and gently massage for a few minutes. Keep it for several hours or overnight. Use these two or three times a week for regular dandruff and daily for more severe dandruff.

how to treat dandruff
  • Leave-In Conditioner Spray

A leave-in conditioner spray will stick with you throughout the day which can do wonders in hydration boost and provide a more comfortable scalp environment. Simply apply a few pumps to towel-dried or dry hair. Gently massage into the hair and do not rinse.

what is dandruff
  • Resist Scratching

An itchy scalp can be incredibly frustrating. But scratching, as tempting as it might be, can worsen dandruff. To find relief from itching, consider applying a cool compress. Use a washcloth soaked in cool water or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a thin towel. 

  • Limit Friction

For a healthy scalp, allowing it to breathe is crucial. Limiting friction can also significantly improve scalp comfort and potentially reduce irritation that might contribute to dandruff. Limit the use of scarves and hats, especially those made of synthetic materials, and rather choose breathable materials like cotton, silk, or linen. 

  • Watch Out the Ingredients

When choosing dandruff-fighting products, it's wise to pay attention to the ingredients. Try using natural scalp care products that are always much more appropriate for overall hair health including combating dandruff. Check out for RAUSCH Willow Bark Collection and Coltsfoot Collection which are specially formulated to tackle the root cause of dandruff and provide lasting relief. 

Willow Bark is a natural source of salicylic acid with a gentler touch, having a wonderful effect on oily dandruff. 

On the other hand, Coltsfoot, known for treating dry dandruff has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe an itchy scalp and reduce flaking. 

How to Stop Dandruff Naturally - 4 Home Remedies for Dandruff

There are plenty of ingredients in your kitchen for a natural dandruff treatment at home. Using these home remedies along with the right products can be a full-fledged plan against fighting dandruff. Here is how to get rid of dandruff naturally: 

  • Aloe Vera

This wonder plant has moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm an itchy scalp and reduce flaking associated with dandruff. Apply fresh aloe vera gel directly to your scalp, leave it on for 20 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

what causes dandruff
  • Baking Soda

This readily available ingredient has gentle exfoliating properties that can help remove dead skin cells and reduce flaking. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a little water to create a paste. Massage it gently onto your scalp and then rinse thoroughly. (PS: Baking soda can be drying, so it's best suited for those with oily dandruff. Avoid using it too frequently and be sure to follow up with a moisturizing conditioner).

  • Lemon Juice

The acidity of lemon juice helps combat dandruff-causing fungus. However, lemon juice can also be very dry and irritating to the scalp. If you decide to try it, mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with equal parts water or olive oil. Apply it to your scalp, leave it on for a few minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.

why do i have dandruff
  • Egg Yolk

Egg yolks are rich in proteins and fats that can nourish and moisturize the scalp. Mix one egg yolk with a tablespoon of olive oil and apply it to your scalp and hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes before shampooing and rinsing thoroughly. (PS: Raw eggs can harbor bacteria, so ensure you're using fresh eggs and following proper hygiene practices).

dry vs oily dandruff


Dandruff doesn't have to be an uninvited guest on your shoulders. By understanding the root causes, and exploring effective products and natural remedies, you can bid goodbye to a flaky scalp. Remember, consistency is key! Stick with your chosen routine, and soon you'll be flaunting your confidence and gorgeous hair, worry-free. 

Do remember that treating dandruff with over-the-counter (OTC) anti-dandruff products, natural remedies, and improving lifestyle is pretty much possible. However, if you experience persistent dandruff despite consistent efforts, or if your dandruff is accompanied by scalp pain, redness, or swelling, you should consult a dermatologist.

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Can dandruff cause hair loss?

Dandruff itself usually doesn't, but scratching an itchy scalp can lead to hair fall. 

Is dandruff normal?

Mild dandruff is common, but persistent dandruff could indicate an underlying issue. 

Can dandruff affect my face?

Dandruff flakes can irritate facial skin if they fall onto your face and may also cause pimples on sensitive skin. 

Can dandruff make skin dark?

No, dandruff shouldn't cause skin darkening. 

Is dandruff permanent?

No, dandruff can be controlled with proper care. 

Is dandruff a fungus?

It can be caused by a fungus, but other factors can contribute too. 

Does hot water cause dandruff?

Hot water can worsen dandruff by drying your scalp. 

Should I ignore dandruff?

No, neglecting dandruff can worsen it. 

Can cold water remove dandruff?

Cold water can soothe an itchy scalp but likely won't eliminate dandruff on its own. 

Can overwashing hair cause dandruff?

Overwashing can strip your scalp of natural oils, potentially worsening dandruff. 

Does dandruff smell?

Dandruff itself usually doesn't have a smell, but some scalp conditions that mimic dandruff can have an odor. 

How to remove dandruff quickly?

There's no instant solution, but medicated shampoo and a gentle scalp scrub can help expedite the process.

Do not miss - 5 Reasons You Immediately Need to Switch to an Anti-Dandruff Shampoo with NATURAL Ingredients



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